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Our Organization Approach

Vision Green Organization Nepal (VGO) is a registered youth-led NGO established in 2080 B.S. (2023 A.D.) that focuses on empowering Nepali youth in the areas of environmental protection and public health. The organization aims to inspire, equip, and empower young people to become active leaders in environmental conservation, improve public health, promote green skills, and foster sustainable development within their communities. VGO places youth and community engagement at the core of its approach, with the ultimate vision of generating livelihood opportunities and decentralizing the environmental movement. The organization seeks to add significant contributions to environmental conservation efforts by documenting and protecting indigenous knowledge, promoting organic farming and agroforestry, and facilitating habitat restoration initiatives. Through these efforts VGO Nepal encourage eco-friendly practices, promote green entrepreneurship, and raise awareness about sustainability issues among disadvantaged youth / communities. In addition to its focus on empowerment, VGO is dedicated to advocating for sustainability by sharing stories of climate change impacts and promoting local youth-led projects that inspire actionable measures for a greener future.

Habitat Restoration

We are committed to habitat restoration through the planting of native trees, which plays a vital role in enhancing biodiversity, restoring ecosystems and generating sustainable livelihoods.

Research & Innovation

Research and innovation are integral to our activities. We continuously conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of our initiatives and to identify best practices in environmental conservation.

Indigenous Knowledge Documentation

We actively document this valuable knowledge and integrate it into our initiatives, advocating for its protection and promotion.

Youth Empowerment

To decentralize the environment conservation movement we are preparing next generation environmental leaders through our regular Student Environmental Leadership Program (SELP) centered around climate change, biodiversity, sustainable technology, TEK and public health issues.

Biodiversity Conservation

By actively involving community members in our activities, assigning them in leadership roles, providing short term employment opportunities and capacity building we enhance biodiversity conservation efforts.

Environmental & Public health Advocacy

Advocacy is essential in conjunction with  our local initiatives. By leveraging data generated from our community project we advocate for policies and programs that address critical socio-economic, environmental (climate change) and public health issues. Additionally we utilize storytelling as a powerful tool to communicate our findings and experiences.

Trees Planted
Training & Workshops
Advocacy Campaign
Person Reached
Trees Saved
What Community people say about us:

Our Regular Program

we have completed one house one plant campaign

    • One house one plant campaign
    • Reached to 300 people
  • Y-Adapt training to youth
  • Habitat restoration
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Stop Promoting International Trophy Hunting!
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Take Action

Helping Animals & Working On Environmental Issues

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummying of the printing and type setting industry. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip consequat nulla pariatur.

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.
  • Aenaen massa, Cum soolis natoque penatibus et magnis.
  • Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation.
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Our Management Team

Nabin Bhattarai

Founder President and Executive Director

Prativa Dawadi

Program Officer
